Mentors & Advisors
Mentors & Advisors
Dr. S. V. Vaidya
Dr. Vaidya holds a Ph. D. in Poultry Science and is amongst the 1st lot of professionals in Poultry Nutrition. He has been a past president of CLFMA, and has an Illustrious career in the Poultry industry starting with a Hatchery in 1975, onwards to Hindustan Lever Ltd., from 1977 to 1993, wherein he rose to be a General Manager, and then as CEO of M/s. Pranav Agro. We are blessed to have him as our mentor.
Dr. D. Chandrasekaran
Dr. Chandrasekaran needs no introduction in contemporary poultry industry, world wide. With a Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition, Dr. Chandrasekaran is a rare academic who has done wonders for poultry Industry in India. He has recently retired from the Professor and Head of Animal Nutrition Department, TNVASU, Namakkal. We feel fortunate to have him as our mentor.
Dr.K Udayasuriyan